Established in 1925, the Hong Kong Pui Ching Alumni Association is dedicated to fostering connections and facilitating exchanges among alumni worldwide while upholding the cherished traditions of our alma mater. Guided by the school motto of “Utmost Goodness and Righteousness,” the association strives to unite alumni, support the growth of our alma mater, and strengthen the bond among its members. Through organizing various activities and distributing newsletters, we aim to consolidate the alumni network, deepen alumni’s engagement with our alma mater, and inspire them to contribute their talents and efforts towards its development.
成員為會長 (指當時在任的理事會主席) 及副會長(指除會長以外,當時在任的理事會成員)。理事會可委任特邀理事列席理事會參予事務,惟不具投票權。